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Официальный сайт Грифбуржской Имерии
The official site of Grifburgh Empire

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The Grifburgh nobility is a privileged social class. The noble titles that can be granted by Emperor to the citizens of Grifburgh. The titles that exist in Grifburgh are: Emperor, Crown Prince, Grand Prince, Duke, Marquis, Count, Baron, Baronet, Knight, Boyar, as well as their female counterparts. Below the armorial of the Grifburgh nobility.

Grand Prince
Michael Gerc

Grand Prince
Daniil Konovalov

Сrown Prince
Cirill Shmid

Grand Princess
Catherine Boronenkova

liberty and honor
Nechter Kasuckiy

Grand Prince
Denis Kukunin

Elizabeth Nikulina

Grigoriy Ivanov
Vladialav Chuvakow
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