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Constitution of Grifburgh Empire
Version 2.0


1. The Grifburgh Empire is the sovereign monarchic state founded on the principles of democracy, humanity, freedom of expression, rights to life and love

2. The official form of board of the GrifburghEmpire - a hereditary dualistic monarchy. The head of state is the Emperor.

3. Concepts the Grifburgh Empire and Grifburgh are equal

4. Grifburgh is federation and it is consist of Voivodeships, Counties, Duchies, Principalities

5. Capital of Grifburgh is Farsaint (City)

6. Official languages are: Russian, Grifburzhsky, and also English as language of international communication

7. Official religion is the Christianity

8. Borders of the state and administrative territorial units can be changed or specified only by law.

Part 2 Emperor.

9. The emperor is head of state and performs the rights of the government in consent with resolutions of the Constitution and other relevant laws. The personality it is sacred and inviolable.

10. All laws become valid in case of approval by their Emperor

11. The emperor in the right to appoint officials, in case of approval of the Senate

12. To the emperor has power of pardon, and also mitigations of punishments in case of crimes

Part 3 About succession


13. The crown is heritable in man's and female posterity of the Imperial house.

14. The heir Prestol in the right to appoint only the Emperor. According to Art. 13.

15. A complete title of the Heir - his (her) Highness the Crown Prince (Princess).

16. The heir can enter the Emperor's rights if to it 12 complete years.

17. If the heir isn't 12 years old, the power is delegated to the Regent who has the Emperor's rights

18. The regent can be elected from "Succession Hierarchy"

19. To entrust execution of 3 Parts of the Constitution State. To the lawyer of the Grifburgh Empire

Part 4.About the government.


20. The chancellor is the management official after the Emperor

21. The chancellor is elected for a period of 6 months

22. Any subthis Grifburga which reached 15 years can become the chancellor

23. The chancellor is the head of Imperial Office and Cabinet council

24. The chancellor has the right:

24.1. To take out zakonoprekta in the Senate for vote

24.2. To approve laws on domestic policy

24.3. To create the government and to nazanchat the gos.sluzhashchikh, in case of consultation with the EmperorSenate

25. The senate of Grifburgh is regulatory authority

26. Parliamentary elections are held time in 5 months

27. In parliament of 15 places

28. The emperor in the right to dismiss parliament

Part 5

Rights and obligations of citizens

29. Life, honor, a personal liberty and property of each citizen are protected by the law.Work of citizens is put under special protection of the law. Property acquisition in types of public advantage, with complete remuneration, is determined in the legislative way.

30. Each Grifburgh citizens has the right of stay in the country, the right of a free choice of a residence and the right of movement from one place in another as the law doesn't decide differently

31. The Grifburgh citizens have freedom of expression and the right to print and distribute manuscripts or images without preliminary restrictions. They have also the right to gather without preliminary permission for discussion of public affairs or on any other legal occasion and to form societies for the purpose of, not opposite to the law or kind customs.

32. The secret of the post, cable and telephone intercourses is inviolable.The law establishes conditions in which a house search can be ordered and executed.

33. Any Grifburgh citizens can't be judged by other court, than to what is subject under the law.

Part 6.


34. If there is a doubt in interpretation of any instruction of the Constitution and this doubt can't be eliminated with the agreement between the Government and the senate, the question is resolved by the Supreme Court.

35. All laws, decrees and statute resolutions which are obviously contradicting the instruction containing in the Constitution present are cancelled and appear invalidated; the legislative resolutions opposite to spirit of this Fundamental law are subject to revision for reduction in compliance with this Constitution.

36. Accomplishment of this Constitution is assigned to the Government.The government shall develop drafts of all laws which are subject to the edition according to instructions of the Constitution in perhaps short time and shall start according to the Constitution their carrying out in a legislative order.


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