Released real Souvenirs of Grifburgh.(Grifburgh Krona and postge stamps)

Opened Library of Grifburgh!
Today was opened the State Library. At the moment it is 8 books. This: books on mythology, Bronze Book of fairy tales, Russian History,...

The first radio broadcast.
Today was the first radio broadcast. Presenter was Bohdan Schmid. On radio 7 listeners. Discussed the upcoming senatorial elections, the...
Online radio
Established online radio of Grifburgh. It will be held the ethers, to discuss the various issues.

The Coronation Of The Emperor.
Today hosted the coronation Emperor of Grifburgh Bogdan I. He took an oath of the Emperor, and solemnly took the crown.

The first postage stamp
The design was made for the first stamp of Grifburgh. It depicts members of the Romanov dynasty.

Decree of the Prime Minister
Today, by decree of the Prime Minister announced the registration of parties. To register, click here-