Today, Grifburgh was founded!

Today it adopted a "Declaration on the formation of Grifburgh" You can read its text: We, a group of citizens of the Russian Federation, based on the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and many other international instruments recognizing the right of peoples to self-determination, while also taking into account the confirmation by the international court of justice on Kosovo from July 22, 2010 the fact that the unilateral Declaration of independence part of the state does not violate any norms of international law, taken together solution: 1) to Establish the state "Grifburgh Empire" (as the legislation stipulates the name "Grifburgh") and declare it a sovereign state with a monarchic form of government 2) the Leader (Emperor) of Grimburg to announce one of the founding fathers - Bogdan Schmid. 3) the Territory of Grifburgh to announce the town of Megion and surrounding areas. 4) Grifburgh will seek to develop their own culture and nation, while not impeding the rights of other Nations and their culture.
Despite that Grifburgh territory belong in Russia - it does not claim to recognition of real countries!