A letter from Eslanda
Today, His Majesty, the Emperor of Grifburgh Bogdan I received a letter from the President of the Republic of Eslanda Airat Kalimulin. It...

On guard!
Today was established by the General Prosecutor's office and Police of Grifburgh. The Attorney General appointed Mark Moskalenko.
Personnel issues.
Today Bogdan I, the Emperor appointed Ministers: 1. Alexander Kolesnik for the post of foreign Minister 2. Nikita Kositskiy the...
Decree "on Succession"
The Emperor signed a Decree "on Succession" heir he appointed his Cousin Cyril Schmid. P.S: read more about this news we can in page of...
Established design currency.
Established the design currency of Grifburgh- Krona of Grifburgh

Constitution established
Was established by the First Constitution. You can read it on the page in VK.
Today, Grifburgh was founded!
Today it adopted a "Declaration on the formation of Grifburgh" You can read its text: We, a group of citizens of the Russian...